Somerset Council have provided an update on the new Somerset Local Plan that will replace all the former District Local Plans with a single Local Plan for the County.
The Council has outlined its intentions to commence a ‘Call for Sites’ exercise later this year that will ask landowners and developers to submit their sites that they consider to be suitable sites. The Council announced they are publishing a Regulation 18 Draft Local for consultation in April 2025 with adoption of the Local Plan scheduled for March 2028.
Richard Mitchell (Associate Director) advised: “The Somerset ‘Call for Sites’ anticipated this year represents an opportunity for landowners and developers to put forward suitable sites to be allocated in the New Somerset Local Plan. It will be important to monitor the period for submitting suitable sites for inclusion in the new all-encompassing Local Plan alongside tracking the status of the emerging Somerset Local Plan “
Should anyone consider they have a relevant site and would like to promote their site through the Local Plan process please contact us.