The New Forest National Park Authority are inviting comments on the first stage of their Local Plan review, this first stage is called ‘the direction of travel’ consultation. The Direction of Travel consultation document sets out the key issues and areas on which the Local Plan Review will focus.
As part of this first stage of the review of the Local Plan, the New Forest National Park Authority is also undertaking a call for sites whereby sites can be promoted to the Authority to be considered for residential, employment, Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Show people and other uses (including environmental mitigation).
Giles Moir, Director at Chapman Lily Planning commented “the direction of travel document is an important stage in shaping the review of the Local Plan, we would urge anybody with an interest in bringing forward development in the New Forest National Park to engage with the consultation. Chapman Lily Planning would be happy to assist with the promotion of any sites through the call for sites process”.
If you have a site which you would like to promote through the Local Plan review process please contact Chapman Lily Planning.