At their Cabinet meeting of 11 July, Wiltshire Council will receive a report from officers as part of the Wiltshire Local Plan Review. The Pre-Submission Draft Plan (the Plan) is one of the most significant strategic documents for Wiltshire up to 2038. It plans for 36,740 homes (of which over 21,900 homes have already been built or are committed) and around 160ha hectares of employment land over 18 years (a reduction compared to the 45,630 homes consulted on in 2021). The Plan will aim to align development with the Councils adopted Business Plan. The new plan policies aim to support Wiltshire’s aim to move towards carbon neutrality – including zero carbon home, securing biodiversity net gain, new affordable housing policies, and requiring minimum space standards and adaptable and accessible homes standards. This is the final consultation stage, where representations are invited on soundness and legal compliance, (known as the Regulation 19 stage).
Officers explain in their report that publication of the Pre-Submission Draft Plan for consultation is proposed to start towards the end of September 2023 for a period of at least 6 weeks.
Giles Moir, Director at Chapman Lily Planning explained; ‘this consultation document is a significant step in the Local Plan process. We at Chapman Lily Planning will continue to monitor progress of the Plan and are well placed to advise and assist interested parties with any representations – do get in touch with us for an initial informal discussion.’