In July this year, Chapman Lily Planning published a news article alerting clients and associates, that as part of the Wiltshire Local Plan Review, officers at Wiltshire Council were presenting the ‘Pre Submission Draft’ to councillors. At that meeting , officers explained the public consultation upon the proposals – which will set the template and therefore have a huge impact upon future development across Wiltshire – would be ‘towards the end of September’.
Chapman Lily Planning have been monitoring the progress of this important document, and we can advise that the date for the consultation has just been announced as being from Wednesday 27th September to Wednesday 22 November 2023.
Giles Moir, Director at Chapman Lily Planning explained;
‘This consultation document will be a significant step in the Local Plan process. We at Chapman Lily Planning will be examining the document and forwarding our comments to Wiltshire Council. Do get in touch with us for an initial informal discussion should you have land or interests in Wiltshire.’