Wiltshire Council has published a Housing Land Supply Statement setting out its position at of April 2019.
The statement explains that ‘… the current Local Housing Need figure (2,006 dwellings per annum) is very similar to the sum of the housing requirements for the three HMAs [Housing Market Areas] in the Wiltshire Core Strategy (2,055 dwellings per annum). This indicates that the Wiltshire Core Strategy housing requirement continues to effectively represent the housing need for Wiltshire’. It goes on to provide information on completions and future supply.
Brett Spiller, Director at Chapman Lily Planning opined: ‘it is pleasing to see housing completions at a 10 year high, with 2699 completions in 2018/19 being more attuned with identified needs. However looking forward the housing land supply across Wiltshire rests at only 4.56 years, engaging the presumption in favour of sustainable development. In this respect, the Council’s statement serves to affirm recent appeal findings’.
For more information on how this might assist you in promoting land in Wiltshire, please contact us.