Waverley Borough Council (Godalming, Surrey) are preparing a new Local Plan for 2023–43. They have written to agents and landowners with what is termed a ‘Call for Sites’ to enable them to allocate land for future development in that new plan. This is a stock-take of potential sites that can be assessed through the plan-making process. Do please note that this is not just aimed at land to be use for residential purposes – but importantly also for such uses as student and other communal accommodation, including older persons housing; gypsy, traveller and travelling show people accommodation; employment and/or retail use; Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG); Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) offsetting sites; Renewable energy generation and even other uses (such as recreational, leisure, community).
There is no site size threshold for the submission of sites, however, the Council will only assess sites put forward for residential uses which can deliver more than 5 net additional dwellings.
The deadline for the receipt of sites is 31st March 2024.
If you have a site which you feel should be promoted to the Council during this unique window of opportunity, we at Chapman Lily Planning can guide and support your application.
Brett Spiller (Director) explained – ‘this is a unique window of opportunity for anyone who owns a site or land in the Waverly Borough Council Area to seek to have their land included in the new local plan document. Whilst never a guarantee of gaining planning approval, to have your site allocated in an adopted Local Plan for development is a huge first step in gaining the acceptance of the council of the principal of developing the site. We at Chapman Lily Planning have a successful record in promoting such sites for our clients – do get in touch with us at the earliest opportunity to discuss how we might assist you.’