Waverley Borough Council are consulting on some proposed changes to their Affordable Housing SPD to reflect updates to national policy. The consultation runs for six weeks from 17 October to 28 November 2022. The SPD was originally adopted in April 2021 and sets out the Council’s guidance on the securing of planning obligations and affordable housing from new development within the borough. It supports the Waverley Borough Local Plan Part 1 Strategic Policies and Sites (LPP1) which was adopted by the Council in February 2018.
Sarah Smith, Senior Planner at Chapman Lily explained “Residents, developers and other local stakeholders are invited to have their say on the proposed changes to the Affordable Housing SPD to reflect the recent updates in national planning policy. This includes the introduction of ‘First Homes’, which are discounted market sale homes that meet the definition of affordable housing and is a scheme designed to help local first time buyers and key workers onto the property ladder.”
Contact us for more information on how this might affect your proposals for development in Waverley.