Wareham Neighbourhood Plan has taken a major step forward after receiving the examiners report this month. The basic conditions are set out in the legislation, and are intended to ensure that neighbourhood plans fit within their wider context. The plan must:-
– have regard to national planning policies and guidance
– contribute to achieving sustainable development
– be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan i.e. the Purbeck Local Plan
– be compatible with European Union law and human rights obligations
-not breach the requirements of Chapter 8 of Part 6 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
The examiner provided a review of the plan and made recommendations in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act and related regulations.
After much background work, Chapman Lily Planning have submitted a planning application for a site allocated for redevelopment for residential use in the plan – it is a complex site, with numerous constraints which needed to be overcome including; contaminated land, flooding, trees, ecology, land levels, listed building and drainage issues. The Inspector has supported the site allocation in the plan.
What happens now? An updated version of the neighbourhood plan which incorporates the policy modifications identified in the examiner’s final report will be submitted to the council. After considering the updated neighbourhood plan, the council will then take a decision on whether to refer the plan to referendum.
If the neighbourhood plan is supported by a local referendum, it will be used to make decisions on planning applications.
Alan Davies Associate Director comments “ This is great positive news for Wareham and a testament to all the hard work the Town Council Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, Councillors and local residents have put in over the years. It also shows how Neighbourhood Plans can be proactive and instrumental in unlocking and bringing redevelopment sites forward”.