Chapman Lily Planning are pleased to announce that we have secured planning permission for the erection of a drive thru Tim Hortons Coffee Shop / Restaurant selling food and drink for consumption both on and off the premises in Gosport. The proposal included an external seating area, together with associated access, car parking and landscaping.
The planning history for the site established the principle of development through the previous outline and reserved matters consents. With the adjacent KFC forming part of those consents and having already been implemented, a drive thru coffee shop could have been built under the previous permission and therefore significant weight was afforded to this fall back position.
Chapman Lily Planning presented the scheme to Members and demonstrated the attractive redevelopment of this underutilised, brownfield site. it was considered that the contemporary, single storey building was an appropriate response to the unique characteristics of the site and its setting. The proposal was policy compliant in terms of character and design.
In support of the Officer’s favourable recommendation, the accompanying report explained the acceptability of the proposal in terms of amenity, trees, ecology and drainage. The Highway Authority also supported the drive thru parking layout, which allows pedestrians and vehicles to easily manoeuvre around the site safely and conveniently, assisted by the provision of appropriate road markings and the use of varied hard surfacing materials.
Here at Chapman Lily Planning we like nothing more than securing our clients planning approvals and we look forward to enjoying some of Tim Horton’s famous coffee and baked goods offer in the near future.