‘The Planner’ magazine has recently reported on the increasing importance of developers using social media as a mechanism to engage with the public when carrying out public engagement.
The report follows a recent survey of 1401 Councillors, by a community and stakeholder engagement company which identified that 75% of respondents considered social media to be an important, or very important, engagement tool. The survey also identified that 60% of respondents thought that developers should be using social media as part of their public engagement strategy.
The use of social media and other forms of digital engagement, such as bespoke project micro-sites, allow developers to reach a demographic that may not be inclined to attend a public exhibition. Social media and digital platforms also provide the opportunity for the public to engage at a time that is convenient for them.
Chapman Lily Planning has created a series of project micro-sites in support of major development projects and believe that they present a very cost effective solution when used alongside more conventional means of communication such as newsletters or public exhibitions. For a start, the interactive platform is accessible 24 hours a day, which allows members of the public to understand and engage with a project quickly and conveniently. The micro-site can also be readily updated as a project moves forward, with data on the number of visitors and any detailed comments captured quickly – meaning you also get more for your money. Please take a look at one of our live projects in Taunton – http://silkmills.clplanning.co.uk/