The Borough of Poole has published a draft of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Talbot Village, which is subject to six weeks public consultation.
The SPD supports the development of:
- A digital village of up to 25,000m2 of gross employment floor space focussed on creative and digital industries, as well as social and health care. This would be phased such that 5,000m2 would be delivered between 2022-2026 and 20,000m2 in the ten years thereafter. This could generate 1,770 jobs (based on the Homes and Communities Agency advice that one job is provided per 12m2 net internal floor area within the creative and digital industries).
- Additional University (Bournemouth and Bournemouth Arts) floor space totalling 32,500m2; phased such that c16,500m2 would be delivered within the next seven years, c9,000m2 between 2022-2026 and c7,000m2 during the ten years thereafter.
- 354 additional student bed spaces; 204 of which are likely to be delivered within the next seven years and a further 150 between 2022-2026.
- New supporting infrastructure and safeguards for the management of the adjoining heathland (support areas – not SANGs – and boundary treatment in the form of wire fences and soft landscaping).
The consultation on the SPD closes on Monday 21st September 2015. If you would like to know more or wish to discuss how best to advocate your interests through the consultation then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Source image: Borough of Poole