Portsmouth City Council announces calls for sites
Portsmouth City Council is currently updating their Local Plan. As part of this work, the Local Planning Authority is inviting landowners to promote their land for potential future development. The process will end on the 28th January 2022.
Commenting on this announcement, Jacob Heath, Assistant Planner at Chapman Lily Planning, said that “this is a crucial opportunity for landowners to introduce their potential sites to the Local Council. The Council is looking for land 0.2 Hectares or larger that can accommodate 5 or more dwellings. They (the council) have also expressed their interest in other land uses of the likes of retail, leisure, community, health, renewable energy, etc.”
Chapman Lily Planning has enjoyed great success across the country promoting sites on behalf of landowners through the planning process. If you are considering the opportunity to promote your land for future development, please feel free to contact us for assistance.
Chapman Lily Planning Limited
T: 01929 55 38 18
W: http://www.clplanning.co.uk
Unit 5 Designer House, Sandford Lane, Wareham, BH20 4DY
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