Chapman Lily Planning is delighted to have helped Hendy Group secure planning permission for a new car dealership fronting on to the A31 in St Leonard’s in Dorset. The site is situated within the Green Belt, where development of this nature would not normally be permitted, but in this case the established haulage yard provided a tangible fall-back position. The proposals were carefully conceived to meet Hendy Groups operational requirements, whilst overcoming potential adverse impacts.
Brett Spiller, founding Director of Chapman Lily Planning commented: ‘The A31 is a key gateway into Dorset and the consented dealership will serve to enhance the visual appearance of the immediate area. The scheme will make efficient use of what is currently an underutilised brownfield site, bring new investment to the area and create new jobs. In reaching a timely decision, East Dorset District Council recognised the fall-back position and the inherent merits of the proposal’.
Chapman Lily Planning would like to credit the experience project team that helped to shape the proposals and the work of commercial agents Lambert Smith Hampton and Cowling and West in making this happen. Construction should start later this year and we wish Hendy Group every success.