‘The Planner’ recently reported that the ‘Planning Inspectorate (PINS) has a workload crisis, leaving professionals and developers seething’. Written representations are typically taking 24 weeks to determine, Hearings 36 weeks and Inquiries 49 weeks. We can attest to the delays in the appeal system and the frustration caused (with no right of recourse).
Brett Spiller, Director of Chapman Lily Planning commented, ‘The registration process often takes a matter of months, so it pays to ensure that the submission is robust and valid. We have also experienced significant delays at the end of the process after the exchange of evidence, which appears to be down to a matter of bandwidth’.
The Planning Inspectorate attribute the delays to budget cuts and the rise in Local Plan Examinations and national infrastructure case work. Whilst there is pressure to rebalance the system the delays, may prompt some to seek a timely resolution through a revised applications, rather than automatically pursuing an appeal. Brett suggests that ‘The risks and timescales involved in appeal warrant careful consideration and highlight the need for a carefully conceived strategy, which considers all alternative options’.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss a strategy for your development proposal.