Chapman Lily Planning are delighted to have secured planning permission at appeal for the redevelopment of a site in Poole to provide six apartments. The site in question is a corner plot presently in use for car sales, and the Council had refused permission on the basis of the size and prominence of the proposed replacement building. Chapman Lily Planning, working with Empery and Co Architects were able to demonstrate that in fact the proposed building, though indeed larger than the existing, nevertheless would result in an enhancement to the appearance of the site and provide a focal point in this corner location. The Inspector therefore concluded that the proposal would ‘make an efficient use of the site without appearing cramped or intrusive in the street scene’, and the appeal was therefore allowed.
Matt Holmes, Director at Chapman Lily Planning Ltd said ‘I am delighted with the outcome of this appeal that will enable this prominent site to be redeveloped in a manner that will deliver much needed new housing in a sustainable location within Poole’.