Chapman Lily Planning are pleased to have secured both planning permission and a full award of costs, following an appeal, in the clients favour for 32 dwellings in Manea, Cambridgeshire. The main issue before the Inspector was whether the site would be a suitable location for housing and whether any adverse effects would outweigh the benefits.
The Council’s reason for refusal focused on their Development Plan policy which set out that if, in combination with other schemes built or approved since April 2011, a development proposal would increase the number of homes in a village by 15 per cent or more “clear local community support” must be demonstrated. The policy goes on to state that if the extent of community support cannot be determined the local Town or Parish Council must support the proposal. Chapman Lily Planning were able to successfully demonstrate that the Council had not identified any harm that would result from the development. The Inspector in determining the appeal was concerned that there was no evidence that the Council had undertaken a balancing exercise when considering the application.
Chapman Lily Planning were also able to demonstrate that the Council’s interpretation of their policy requiring “clear local community support” was inconsistent and this led to an award of costs against the Council. Giles Moir, Director at Chapman Lily Planning Ltd said ‘I am very pleased with the outcome of this appeal and that by researching the Council’s approach to how they have previously applied their policy on community support we were able to demonstrate inconsistencies in their approach’.