Yesterday the Government revealed its plans, which will come into effect in September, to allow homeowners to extend their home upwards to create new homes or additional living space as permitted development – subject to a prior approval process that will allow Council’s to consider impact on neighbours and the appearance of the extension.
The Government also detailed, again to come into effect in September, its plans to allow unused commercial buildings and retail properties to be demolished and rebuilt as new homes without the need for a full planning application.
… and finally the Government have reiterated that this month (July, so not long left) they will set out their plans to reform the Planning system with the aim of, amongst others, cutting out bureaucracy to get Britain building.
Giles Moir, Director at Chapman Lily Planning, commented that ‘July is certainly becoming an interesting month, which is set to define a new era and chapter in the evolution of England’s planning system’.
Please contact Chapman Lily Planning if you have any queries on these recent announcements.