Following Michael Gove’s earlier speech, an updated NPPF has been published in response to the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill. The revised NPPF sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. The reforms emphasise the need for the preparation and use of design codes, building beautiful, the use of mansard roof extensions on suitable properties and for Local Planning Authorities to prioritise and maintain up-to-date plans. Changes have also been made to what constitutes a policy being ‘out of date’ and thus where the presumption in favour of sustainable development can be applied.
The Housing Delivery Test has also been published today which provide the annual measurement of housing delivery in the area of relevant plan making authorities. This sets out that;
- Bournemouth: 51% – Presumption
- Christchurch: 90% Action Plan
- Poole: 80% – Buffer
- Purbeck: 93% Action Plan
- North Dorset: 75% Buffer
- East Dorset: 90% Action Plan
- West Dorset: 113% None
- Weymouth and Portland: 113% None
- Eastleigh: 156% None
- Chichester: 114% None
- New Forest: 92% Action Plan
We will be monitoring the consequences of these changes carefully and are well placed to advise and assist on how these changes may affect you.