Chapman Lily Planning have been tracking the progress of the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan and are pleased to announce that the formal consultation is now taking place! New Forest District Council and New Forest National Park Authority are formally consulting from Friday 18th August 2023 for 6 weeks, giving individuals and organisations the opportunity to raise any comments or concerns about both the plans content and its preparation.
If you have a site that maybe affected by the Neighbourhood Plan or are interested in making a response to the consultation please contact CL Planning.
Clare Bolton, Assistant Planner at Chapman Lily Planning commented: ‘The Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan has been a long time in the making with the designation of the plan area approved by the Authority in February 2021! The draft Neighbourhood Plan looks to revitalise the Market Place and High Street, creating a more pedestrian friendly area with active frontages and improved opportunities for businesses to ‘spill out’ into the open-air space. Green spaces will also be improved, creating more opportunities to connect with nature across the whole parish.
The consultation is crucial to those interested as it covers the town for the next 13 years so make sure to get your say before the deadline!’
For further information on the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan consultation, please contact Chapman Lily Planning.