Chapman Lily Planning have won planning permission at appeal for the construction of five homes in Christchurch, having demonstrated that the scheme was acceptable in relation to flood risk.
Working with Aspire Architects Ltd, the application proposed a development of five homes on a site that, whilst at minimal risk nonetheless fell within a future flood zone. The Council had refused planning permission alleging that the development would fail the sequential test, but Chapman Lily Planning were able to argue that the proposed development resulted in a betterment in flood risk terms relative to an extant approval for the conversion of the building to flats. The Inspector concluded that ‘In these circumstances, the material consideration in the form of the fallback outweighs the policy considerations in this case’.
Matt Holmes, Director at Chapman Lily Planning commented that ‘I am delighted that we were able to secure planning permission on the client’s behalf. Working with the architect and taking a phased approach to the development we were able to present a clear case in favour of the scheme.
If you have any queries in relation to the matters raised in the appeal then please contact us.