Chapman Lily keeps a close eye on the performance of councils against the requirement to maintain a five-year housing land supply. Figures are usually published in the New Year, but many councils are awaiting the long-anticipated 2019 Housing Delivery Test results before committing to publishing their results.
Dorset Council has, however, recently published the results for the former North Dorset area, confirming that it can still only demonstrate a supply of four years. This is a small improvement on recent years, but still falls considerably short of the five-year target.
Commenting on this publication, Steve Tapscott said ‘this means the presumption in favour of sustainable development set out in national policy is engaged and presents an opportunity for landowners to submit applications in locations where development might otherwise not be supported”.
Chapman Lily Planning will continue to keep a watchful eye on other councils’ progress with their five-year supply publications. If you have an interest in any land and are considering submitting a planning application, please feel free to contact Chapman Lily for further information.