By local plan standards, the Eastleigh Local Plan (adopted in April 2022) is fresh and new. However, in finding the plan sound the Local Plan Inspector (appointed by the Secretary of State) recommended that the Council undertake an early review. This was expressly to overcome concerns about housing land supply and delivery following the deletion of the Strategic Growth Options (SGO’s). In short, the inspectors’ concerns related to the sustainability of the SGO when compared with other reasonable alternatives. The Inspector recommended that the review commence within one year.
Nonetheless, we are pleased to see that a Call for Sites has been launched, inviting the promotion of sites for:
• housing and other residential uses such as specialist housing for older person and also including Gypsy and Travellers sites;
• employment including industry and storage and distribution;
• other uses such as retail, community uses, open spaces and environmental mitigation land.
The Call for Sites runs until Wednesday 6 September 2023. If you own or control land in Eastleigh Borough that might be suitable, Chapman Lily Planning would be pleased to assist.