Covering the period to 2040, the draft encompasses all parts of the district outside the South Downs National Park. In addition to specifying the level of development required, the draft sets out how development can be managed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The council’s Planning Policy Committee will discuss the draft on Wednesday 10 January. If approved by the committee, it will proceed to a six-week public consultation at the end of January.
The draft local plan identifies the minimum number of homes required as 9,082 dwellings, which is equivalent to 478 dwellings a year over the plan period.
The Council explained ‘As of 31 March 2023, part of this minimum requirement was already made up of 940 net completions and existing planning permissions totalling 3,965 new homes. Based on the windfall allowance analysis, there is also expected to be an additional 1,320 dwellings throughout the duration of the plan period that have not specifically been identified in the local plan. Once these existing sources of supply are considered, there is a requirement to find a further minimum 2,857 new homes, plus an appropriate buffer, to meet local needs.’
The council’s preferred approach to meeting this additional need is predominantly through additional growth in the largest and most sustainable settlements.
Clare Spiller (Associate Director) welcomed the news, stating; ‘It is good to see progress being made with a local plan – we look forward to working with clients in order to ensure the required new homes gain planning permission’