Local Planning Authorities are encouraged to demonstrate a 5-year Housing Land Supply. Where they are unable to do so, the housing supply policies set out in the Development Plan are considered out of date and a presumption in favour of sustainable development is engaged (with few exceptions).
Brett Spiller, Director at Chapman Lily Planning explained: ‘In practical terms this has allowed promoters and developers to look at sites outside of established settlement boundaries that are well related to shops, services, employment, education and / or leisure opportunities. Dorset Council previously purported to have a 4.93-year supply, as at April 2020, in the West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Plan Area. The small shortfall against the 5-year threshold was enough to engage the presumption in favour of sustainable development, but that position has now changed’.
The latest position statement from Dorset Council, published today, states: ‘Dorset Council claim to be able demonstrate a housing supply of 4,835.3 dwellings between 2021-2036 therefore demonstrating a housing land supply of 5.85-years’. This exceeds the 5-year threshold. Brett added, ‘Given that Dorset can satisfy the Housing Delivery Test in the Local Plan area, the window of opportunity for speculative applications appears to have closed. I’m sure many, like me, will pour over the figures to ensure that they are robust. However, unlike many neighbouring Local Plan areas, West Dorset were quick to acknowledge and embrace shortfalls. Many villages have benefitted from small speculative developments helping to sustain rural communities. With the legacy of aging district Local Plans, it would be good to think that a new Dorset Local Plan can be put in place quickly, but even that looks shaky ’.
For more information about the 5-year housing land supply of information of how we can assist you with your development project, please contact us.