Consultation starts today on the second part of the Waverley Borough Council’s new Local Plan, ‘Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies’ and runs through to Friday the 27th January.
Together with Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites, Local Plan Part 2 will be used to replace the Waverley Borough Local Plan (2002). Local Plan part 2 allocates additional sites for housing in parts of the Borough, reviews the boundaries of our town centres and local landscape designations, and allocates sites for gypsy and traveller accommodation.
The three documents available as part of the consultation include:
- The Pre-Submission Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies
- A sustainability Appraisal Report
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
Phillippa Gatehouse, Planning Assistant at Chapman Lily Planning states ‘Its great to see that some councils are still continuing to update and consult on emerging Local Plans in line with MHCLG’s plea. This consultation provides a real opportunity for promoters, land, owners and developers to get involved in the planning system’.
For further information, please contact Chapman Lily Planning on 01929553818 or email