Chapman Lily Planning are pleased to see that BCP Council have finally reached a pragmatic solution to approving development in Christchurch that was previously on hold due to phosphates and their potential impact on the River Avon Special Area of Conservation.
A recent report commissioned by BCP Council concludes ‘there is no significant adverse effect on the River Avon SAC for the small amount of growth currently planned in Christchurch’ as such the Council’s interim approach from the 16th February 2023 is to grant planning permission.
A medium term approach by BCP Council will entail a review of planned growth coming forward in the Draft BCP Local Plan to understand if there will be a significant effect. At the same time the emerging Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill is expected to pass over the responsibility to reduce phosphorous to water treatment companies, removing the burden from developers. In the event that the sewage treatment works are not forthcoming or are delayed, the Council has made assurance that appropriate phosphorus measures will be in place to ensure that nutrient neutrality is secured by the occupation of any permissions granted.