BCP Council’s Cabinet are set to consider a report which recommends that consultation begins on a new Parking Standards SPD. The SPD will cover the entire BCP Council area providing a consolidated approach to parking provision. The SPD relates to residential and non-residential developments.
This SPD sets out a new parking standard which is designed to reflect both national and local priorities. The overarching aim of the SPD is to reduce the need to travel by private car and encourage behaviour change, promoting alternative, safe, sustainable and cleaner ways to travel where possible.
The SPD includes a number of proposed ‘zero parking’ zones for proposed residential developments in and around town and district centres.
Giles Moir, Director at Chapman Lily Planning, commented that ‘it is good to see the Council progressing with a single approach to parking standards across the BCP Council Area. If the SPD is adopted it will be important for applicants to understand the implications of the proposed ‘zero parking’ zones on their development proposals and that any departure from the Council’s proposed standards, which could include over provision, will require robust justification’.
Please contact us at Chapman Lily Planning if you would like to discuss how the proposed Parking Standards SPD could impact upon your proposed developments.
Image sourced from BCP’s Parking Standards SPD – Consultation Draft;