Chapman Lily Planning are pleased to have secured planning permission and a full award of the appeal costs against Dorset Council, for their client, in a successful planning appeal decision in Blandford, Dorset. The case revolved around the interpretation of a Council Local Plan Policy. The Inspector agreed with the Chapman Lily interpretation of the policy – issuing a full award of costs against the Council. The appeal was against the refusal of planning permission for the conversion of a building to provide residential apartments and reconfigure the retail space (Class E). The Inspector was forthright in stating ‘To my mind the Council cannot make the development plan mean whatever it would like it to mean.’
Clare Spiller (Associate Director) explained ‘whilst we are pleased to receive confirmation from the Inspector that our interpretation of the Council’s Policy was correct, and receive some financial reimbursement for our client, it is frustrating to have to resort to an appeal in order to obtain confirmation of this. The site is vacant and comprises a prominent and large shopfront right in the town centre. It needs to be brought back into use in order to support the vitality and viability of the town, plus provide much needed residential uses in a sustainable town centre location. For those reasons alone, we would have hoped the Local Plan Policies would have been interpreted in a positive and proactive manner such that these proposals were welcomed and supported in the first place.’
For reference (Appeal Ref: APP/D1265/W/22/3309139)